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Botanical History & Poetry
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The Daily Gardener Podcast
Subscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Support The Daily Gardener Buy Me A Coffee Connect for FREE! The Friday Newsletter | Daily Gardener Community Botanical History On This Day 1854 Danske [“DAN-sker”] Dandridge, poet, historian, and garden writer, was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. 1937 Julia Wilmotte [will-MOT] Henshaw, Canadian botanist, geographer, writer, and political activist, died. Grow That Garden Library™ Read The Daily Gardener review of Outside In by Sean A. Pritchard Buy the book on…
Read MoreSubscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Support The Daily Gardener Buy Me A Coffee Connect for FREE! The Friday Newsletter | Daily Gardener Community Botanical History On This Day 1793 Archibald Menzies (MEN-zeez), the Scottish surgeon-botanist, reluctantly departs Santa Barbara aboard the HMS Discovery during Vancouver’s expedition. 1810 Asa Gray is born. He was a figure who would become America’s preeminent botanist and one of the most influential scientists of the 19th century. Grow That Garden…
Read MoreSubscribe Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart Support The Daily Gardener Buy Me A Coffee Connect for FREE! The Friday Newsletter | Daily Gardener Community Botanical History On This Day 1687 Eleanor “Nell” Gwynn, died at the age of 37 in her Pall Mall house in London. Known as “pretty, witty Nell” by diarist Samuel Pepys, she was one of the most celebrated figures of the Restoration period and a long-time mistress of King Charles II. 1749…
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Wyoming, MN 55092
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