A Primrose by a River’s Brim
A primrose by a river's brim
Is not a rose nor Is it prim.
Note: Primrose Day is April 19th.
On April 30, 1947, the little primrose verse above was printed in the Chicago Tribune.
Primrose Day commemorates the death date of Queen Victoria’s favorite Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. His favorite flower was the Primrose.
The name comes from the Latin primus, meaning first rose.
In 1889, London newspapers reported that,
They received no fewer than 811 sets of verses from 'poets' who have attempted to carry off the small prize awarded for a Primrose poem. In 1884, when the competition started, only 77 poems were sent in. In 1886 the number rose to 557. Next year there will probably be 1,000 competitors.