An Answer to a Valentine
by Julia Dorr
My true love sent me a valentine
All on a winter's day,
And suddenly the cold gray skies
Grew soft and warm as May!
The snowflakes changed to apple blooms,
A pink- white fluttering crowd,
And on the swaying maple boughs
The robins sang aloud.
For moaning wintry winds, I heard
The music sweet and low
Of morning-glory trumpets
Through which the soft airs blow.
O love of mine, my Valentine!
This is no winter day —
For Love rules all the calendars,
And Love knows only May!
Today is the birthday of the heartfelt American poet and writer - known as Rutland's poet and Vermont's unofficial poet laureate - Julia Dorr, born on this day, February 13, 1825.
As a girl, her pseudonym was Flora or Florillla.
The poet William Cullen Bryant once read one of her poems and wrote to tell her how much he loved the beauty of its imagery. And Ralph Waldo Emerson visited her and included one of her poems - called Outgrown - in his book called Parnassus.
As you read her poems, imagine Julia Dorr writing in her little study next to the parlor. She had a window by her desk that overlooked her flower garden, which she called "her refuge and inspiration."