Oak by William Bryant Logan

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:

Copy of Grow That #Garden Library (3)

Oak by William Bryant Logan

This book was written in 2006.

As a professional arborist and award-winning nature writer, William captures the reciprocal relationship between humans and oak trees for centuries. Oak is a fascinating book; William's prose sometimes reads almost like poetry.

In the book, William even writes about the mighty acorn and its little-known use as an edible.

William tries to make acorn jelly and acorn flour, and he writes that the acorn has a unique characteristic as an edible; it makes you feel full for hours after eating it.

William says,

"There is some basic sympathy between oaks and humans.

We invented a whole way of living out of their fruit and their wood, and by that token, they too invented us."


William is the author of other simply-titled books: Dirt, A Book of Roses, Air, and Sprout Lands

You can get a used copy of Oak by William Bryant Logan and support the show using the Amazon Link in today's Show Notes for under $6.


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