Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:
![Copy of Grow That #Garden Library (3) Copy of Grow That #Garden Library (3)](
Lab Girl is the story of Hope Jaren, an award-winning scientist. Hope has been studying paleobiology since 1996. Hope writes about trees, plants, and soil in scientific yet passionate prose in this book. (Hope's mom has a degree in English literature, and her influence made Hope a voracious reader.) Hope writes:
“Science has taught me that everything is more complicated than we first assume and that being able to derive happiness from discovery is a recipe for a beautiful life.”
Hope’s book is part memoir and part commentary on the natural world. Personally, Hope has worked tirelessly to find funding for her research. Professionally,
Hope has worked up close and personal with plants - both the living and the fossilized - learning their secrets and remaining curious about their mysteries.
What I loved about Hope's book are the little asides she makes while trying to make a point. For example, she may reference popular culture icons, a TV show, or a video game while explaining how plants dominate our world.
And I love what Hope wrote after losing a beloved childhood tree. She said
“Each beginning is the end of a waiting.
We are each given exactly one chance to be.
Each of us is both impossible and inevitable.
Every replete tree was first a seed that waited.”
This book came out in 2017.