It’s the Little Things by Susanna Salk

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It's the Little Things by Susanna Salk

This book came out in 2016, and the subtitle is Creating Big Moments in Your Home Through The Stylish Small Stuff.

"In [It's the Little Things] Susanna successfully celebrates those details in our homes where we express ourselves the most and where our memories, our personality, and our style come alive. . . Throughout this inspiring and useful tome, Susanna features vignettes and details from designers around the globe who use details to 'bring depth and life to a room.'"
— Quintessence Blog

"If the walls of your home could talk, what would they say about you? Turns out, a lot. That’s the message in Susanna Salk’s new book, It’s the Little Things: Creating Big Moments in Your Home Through the Stylish Small Stuff, that details how the smallest design elements have the potential to make the biggest statements."
— Vogue

"With her latest book, It's the Little Things: Creating Big Moments in Your Home Through the Stylish Small Stuff, Susanna continues to inspire us with the notion that decorating your home is deeply personal. . . . If you've ever struggled with how to decorate your mantel, how to create an arrangement on a wall, or how to create a moment in a small space, this lusciously photographed volume is a godsend. . . In the end, you realize that it's not about having access to expensive things or the ability to hire a designer. When you surround yourself with things you love, the rest will fall into place, especially when you have a good guide by your side."
— Ballard Designs Blog

This book is 272 pages of little stylish things that will create meaningful moments in your home.

You can get a copy of It's the Little Things by Susanna Salk and support the show, using the Amazon Link in today's Show Notes for around $38


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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