The Four Season Farm Gardener’s Cookbook by Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman
As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:
The Four Season Farm Gardener's Cookbook by Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman
This book came out in 2013, and the subtitle is From the Garden to the Table in 120 Recipes.
In this book, America’s most respected gardening couple Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman, share what they’ve learned from growing and eating on their extraordinary Four Season Farm in Maine. This book shows you how to grow what you eat and how to cook what you grow.
This book is an excellent resource for the times we are living in—there’s even a section on what to plant for a yearly cycle survival garden.
Barbara and Eliot divide their book into two parts. The first half covers gardening, and the second part is devoted to the recipes. I should also mention that Barbara is a master cook.
This book is 496 pages of step-by-step instructions from America’s garden royalty - it's a big book with an even greater value.
You can get a copy of The Four Season Farm Gardener's Cookbook by Barbara Damrosch and Eliot Coleman and support the show using the Amazon Link in today's Show Notes for around $3.