Uprooted by Page Dickey
As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:
This book came out in 2020 (I bought my copy in November), and the subtitle is A Gardener Reflects on Beginning Again.
When Margaret Roach reviewed this book, she wrote,
"An intimate, lesson-filled story of what happens when one of America’s best-known garden writers transplants herself, rooting into a deeper partnership with nature than ever before."
If you’ve ever moved away from a beloved garden, or there is a move in your future, you’ll find Page’s book especially appealing. Uprooted is Page’s story about leaving her beloved iconic garden at Duck Hill - a landscape she molded and refined for thirty-four years. Set on 17 acres of rolling fields and woodland,
Page’s new property is in northwestern Connecticut, and it surrounds a Methodist Church, which is how Page came to call her new space Church House.
What does it mean to be a seasoned gardener (at the age of 74) and to have to start again?
How does a gardener transition from a beloved home to the excitement of new possibilities?
Uprooted allows us to follow Page through all the major milestones as she finds her new home. We hear about her search for a new place, how she establishes her new garden spaces, and her revelations as she learns to evolve.
If you’ve ever wondered how on earth you’ll ever leave your garden, Page will give you hope. And, if you’re thinking about revamping an old garden space or starting a new garden, you can learn from Page how to create a garden that will bring you joy.
As an accomplished garden writer, Page’s book is a fabulous read, and the photography is top-notch. Although the move from Duck Hill marked a horticultural turning point, Page was excited and reenergized by her new space at Church House.
This book is 244 pages of the evolution of a gardener as she transitions from Duck Hill to Church House. She has a lifelong love of nature, gardens, and landscape possibilities.