Hydrangeas by Naomi Slade

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:

Copy of Grow That #Garden Library (3)

Hydrangeas by Naomi Slade
This book came out in 2020, and the subtitle is Beautiful Varieties for Home and Garden.
It's a shame Naomi's beautiful book came out during the pandemic.
Naomi always does such a great job with her books, and I'm a massive fan of her other book on dahlias. Naomi's also written about snowdrops and orchids.
Hydrangeas bloom so abundantly; it’s no wonder they're our favorite indoor and outdoor flowers. Hydrangeas are workhorses, and they can bloom from late spring to fall with a bouquet of colors that include pink, white, lavender, rose, and blue.
If you're a lover of hydrangeas - or know a gardener who is - this book is a beautiful gift. Even better, if you gift someone a hydrangea this year, consider including Naomi's beautiful book as part of the present.
This book is 240 pages of a truly incredible blooming plant: the hydrangea.
You can get a copy of Hydrangeas by Naomi Slade and support the show using the Amazon Link in today's Show Notes for around $15


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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