My Wild Garden by Meir Shalev

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:

Copy of Grow That #Garden Library (3)

My Wild Garden by Meir Shalev

This book came out in 2020; the subtitle is Notes from a Writer's Eden.

In this charmingly illustrated book, Meir shares his garden, which lies on the perimeter of Israel’s Jezreel Valley, with the Carmel mountains rising in the west.

Meir’s garden is “neither neatly organized nor well kept,” he adores his lemon tree, figs, and rescuing plants like a purple snapdragon from the Jerusalem–Tel Aviv highway.  
Mitch Ginsburg of The Times of Israel wrote this after reading Meir’s book:

“I went to sleep every night with the smell of fresh figs and lemons and the sound of birdsong in my ears and the image of Shalev’s beloved black cat, Kramer, the hero of many of his Hebrew children’s stories, sleeping the day away beneath the buckthorn tree.”

Meir’s book starts with a little story about when he awoke to find a wedding party trampling his garden as they posed for photos. After the group insisted his garden couldn’t possibly be a real garden, he let them know they had three minutes before the sprinkler system turned on. Clever man. They left. He didn’t have a sprinkler system.

This book is full of stories like this, and they feature marvelous topics like lupines, cyclamen, poppies, sea squill, a mole rat, a wasp nest, and compost - to name a few.
This book is 304 pages of garden bliss from a novelist who shares his garden with wit and love.

You can get a copy of My Wild Garden by Meir Shalev and support the show using the Amazon Link in today's Show Notes for around $21


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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