The Ultimate Flower Gardener’s Guide by Jenny Rose Carey

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:

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The Ultimate Flower Gardener's Guide by Jenny Rose Carey 

This book came out in 2020, and the subtitle is Simple Ideas For Small Outdoor Spaces.
In this book, Jenny Rose Carey essentially teaches a master class on ornamental gardening.

If you are looking for ways to add interest, color combinations that are guaranteed to work instead of clash, and how to incorporate favorite blossoms or aspects of flowers, you'll find everything you're looking for in this inspiring and jam-packed book on all kinds of beautiful flowers.

Most flower experts teach color first. Jenny brings new dimensions into play - namely, shape and texture. But Jenny's focus on texture and shape works surprisingly well - especially if you struggle with color in the garden.

Shape and texture are two often overlooked floral elements, but they are equally important as color in garden design. Without shape and texture, gardens would lack that sense of excitement, mystery, and magnetism that exists in our most beloved gardens.

Jenny also does a great job of considering today's gardener. She selected the annuals and perennials she recommends in her book based on their ease of care, appeal to pollinators, and wildlife friendliness. 

This book is 364 pages of beautiful flower gardening all season long - no matter how big or small your space - giving you the confidence you need to make flowers the focus of your dream garden.

You can get a copy of The Ultimate Flower Gardener's Guide by Jenny Rose Carey and support the show using the Amazon link in today's show notes for around $27.


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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