May 26, 2022 Sébastien Vaillant, Horace Walpole, Thomas Jefferson, Kate Lancaster Brewster, The Thoughtful Gardener by Jinny Blom, and Edgar Fawcett


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Botanical History On This Day

1669 Birth of Sébastien Vaillant ("Vy-yaw"), French botanist.

1742 On this day, Horace Walpole wrote to Horace Mann, in part describing his visit to Ranelagh ("Ron-ah-lay") Gardens in Chelsea.

1811 On this day, Thomas Jefferson wrote to his granddaughter, Anne, who was visiting her in-laws:

Nothing new has happened in our neighborhood since you left us.
The houses and trees
stand where they did.

The flowers come forth like the belles of the day, have their short reign of beauty and splendor, and retire like them to the more interesting office of reproducing their like.

The hyacinths and tulips are off the stage, the irises are giving place to the belladonnas, as this will to the tuberoses etc.

1921 On this day, Kate Lancaster Brewster resigned as editor of the bulletin she funded and started for The Garden Club of America for its first six years.

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Today's Botanic Spark

1847 Birth of Edgar Fawcett, American poet.

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The Thoughtful Gardener by Jinny Blom

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