Gardeners Know Better

by Vita Sackville-West

If it is true that one of the greatest pleasures of gardening lies in looking forward, then the planning of next year's beds and borders must be one of the most agreeable occupations in the gardener's calendar.
This should make October and November particularly pleasant months, for then we may begin to clear our borders, to cut down those sodden and untidy stalks, to dig up and increase our plants, and to move them to other positions where they will show up to greater effect.
People who are not gardeners always say that the bare beds of winter are uninteresting; gardeners know better and take even a certain pleasure in the neatness of the newly dug, bare, brown earth.


As featured on
The Daily Gardener podcast:

Words inspired by the garden are the sweetest, most beautiful words of all.
Gardeners Know Better

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