Golden-bell Clematis
by Beverley Nichols
If I had to confine my choice of creepers to a single-family – what a hideous thought!
I should probably choose the family of clematis.
And if I were limited to a single member of the family,
I should probably select Clematistangutica.
I said probably because these hypothetical decisions are so excruciating.
Note: All week long, The Daily Gardener has been sharing quotes from the author Beverley Nichols, who was born on Monday of this week in 1898.
A prolific writer, Nichols is best remembered for his gardening books.
Today I'm featuring excerpts from his book called Forty Favourite Flowers.
It is exactly as described, Nichols sharing his top selections; the flowers he loved most in his garden.
Nichols arranged this book simply, using alphabetical order. Then he just shares some of his favorites.