It Is Pure Water
by The Citizen-Republic
It is pure water, distilled, and put up by nature herself,
who needs no government label
to certify to the cleanliness of her methods
and the innocence of her sun-kissed chemistry.
It is the tiniest trace of earth salts.
It has a delicate aroma.
It is slightly a food, generously a drink, and altogether poetry.
Not altogether is it poetry.
Not in respect of price.
Not even the most hard-working of the poets
can afford to buy the early Watermelon.
— The Citizen-Republican, Scotland, South Dakota, Watermelon
As featured onThe Daily Gardener podcast:
Words inspired by the garden are the sweetest, most beautiful words of all.
← Andrea Brunsendorf’s on Containers for the Studio Garden at LongwoodAugust 3, 2020 Dahlias 101 by The Empress of Dirt, Joseph Paxton, Michel Adanson, Louise du Pont Crowninshield, Alwyn Howard Gentry, Katharine Stuart, Watermelon Poetry, From Garden to Grill by Elizabeth Orsini and Gallant Soldiers →