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Every Friday, I send out a letter for gardeners with: 

Reminders for Your Calendar

Botanical History & Poetry

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Garden Book Recommendations

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Plus, each week, one lucky subscriber wins a book from the Grow That Garden Library™ bookshelf.

The Daily Gardener Hello Album

The Daily Gardener Podcast

Latest Episode


May 10, 2019 Botanical Intuition, Leonard Mascall, John Hope, Alan Grimmel, Canada’s Compost Week, The Friends School Plant Sale, Cecelia Payne, Botanical Sketchbook, Helen and William Bynum, Photo Friday, and Mascall on Tree Placement

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Have you ever intuited the name of a plant? A few years ago, I traveled to San Diego. I was sitting on a bench outside the hotel, and I spied the most amazing blossom – three bright orange petals and three blue petals – it looked like the head of a bird. My mind latched onto “bird of paradise,” I looked it up on my phone, and sure enough, it was just that. These are the moments that scientist Celia…

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May 9, 2019 Your Impact on Your Garden, Alexandre Cassini, Lewis and Clark and Le Page, the Delaware State Flower, Hewett Watson, A Nation in Bloom, Matthew Biggs, Prune Time, and Erwin Frink Smith

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Take two gardeners. Have them grow up learning to garden from the same person. Have them read the same books on gardening. Have them go to the same gardening workshops. Have them tour the same public gardens.   Yet, their gardens will look different from each other. Unique. Gardens are art. They are personal. Remember that the next time you are trying to copy the look of another garden.   The difference isn’t just topographical… When it comes to your…

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May 8, 2019 Plant Problems, the US Botanic Garden, Emil Christian Hansen, Paul Kremer, Veggie by Orbitec, Sir David Attenborough, Chris Woods, Gardenlust, Angelica archangelica, and a 1912 Recipe for Rhubarb Pudding

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Do you know the saying bad things come in threes? The dishwasher stops working. You get in a car accident. Your credit card gets stolen. Well, when it comes to our plants, like us, they can be experiencing a constellation of problems as well. Yet, we often see plants as far less complex, minimizing their needs to a singular solution. “It just needs more sun.” “Better drainage will do the trick.” Instead of just trying one solution, consider that maybe…

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Gardener Greetings

Send your garden pics, stories, birthday wishes, and so forth to Jennifer@theDailyGardener.org

Media & Book Publishers:

The Daily Gardener
PO Box 312
Wyoming, MN 55092

The Daily Gardener Smart Speaker

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"I just discovered you! I googled garden podcasts and I'm so glad I found the show. I start every day with The Daily Gardener!"

"I love garden history and garden stories. Thank you for helping me learn more about both!"

"I've been a Still Growing podcast listener for years. I'm so excited to hear your new one - The Daily Gardener! Thank you."

Audience Stats


consider themselves
curious + serious gardeners


interested in flower gardening, edibles, and nature in general


interested in their roots, nostalgic, history-lovers,
very family oriented


Savvy + Practical Readers
with an interesting take on the world


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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