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April 29, 2019 Perennial Defined, Agnes Chase, Cornelia Vanderbilt’s Wedding, Alfred Hitchcock, Ron McBain, #AmericanSpringLive, Botany Bay, Mary Gilmore, Garden-Pedia, Composting, and the Significance of Grass

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Merriam-Webster gives the following synonyms for the word perennial: abiding, enduring, perpetual, undying Those terms can give gardeners unrealistic expectations for their perennials. They’re not eternal. They will eventually part ways with your garden. But, for as long as they can, your perennials will make a go of it. Returning to the garden after their season of dieback and rest. Ready to grow. Ready for you to see them and love them all over again.     Brevities #OTD It’s…

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April 26, 2019 Placement of Early Spring Bloomers, Eugene Delacroix, Charles Townes, Irma Franzen-Heinrichsdorff, John J. Audobon, Frederick Law Olmsted, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Kavanagh, Justin Martin, Photo Friday, Anna Eliza Reed Woodcock, and the Michigan State Flower

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How close are your earliest bloomers to your front door? Your crocus, snowdrops, iris, daffodils, tulips, forsythia, daphnes, and magnolias? When I redid my front garden last year, the designer had put all my earliest bloomers right near the front porch and walk. When I asked her reasoning, she reminded me of our long winters. Her advice was spot-on: When spring finally arrives, it’s much more pleasurable to have those earliest blooms where you can see them first thing when…

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April 25, 2019 A Botanist’s Hello, Zucchini Bread Day, President Truman, NPSOT, Gustavus Adolphus College, Marcus E. Jones, Julia Morton, Alice Tangerini, Windflowers, Agnes Falconer, Roger L. Williams, Garden Markers, and George H. Engleheart’s Daffodils

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Today I learned how botanists used to say “hello” to each other. In the 1800s and 1900s, a common way for botanists to introduce themselves, often from the other side of the world, was to send each other plant specimens as the foundation for developing a relationship. When it comes to friendship, plants are icebreakers, communicators, and binding ties all rolled into one.       Brevities There are many delightful anniversaries today. Today is National Zucchini Bread Day. Zucchini…

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Gardener Greetings

Send your garden pics, stories, birthday wishes, and so forth to Jennifer@theDailyGardener.org

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The Daily Gardener
PO Box 312
Wyoming, MN 55092

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interested in flower gardening, edibles, and nature in general


interested in their roots, nostalgic, history-lovers,
very family oriented


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with an interesting take on the world


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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