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Every Friday, I send out a letter for gardeners with: 

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Botanical History & Poetry

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Plus, each week, one lucky subscriber wins a book from the Grow That Garden Library™ bookshelf.

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The Daily Gardener Podcast

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April 19, 2019 Signature Plant, National Garlic Day, Gilroy Garlic Festival, E. Lucy Braun, Gilbert White, Primrose Day, Nancy Cardozo, Fiona Davison, Photo Friday, and Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli 

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Does your garden have a signature plant? If you can’t decide, maybe it’s time to let your garden do the talking. Complete the following sentence: My garden has the perfect spot to grow…. (fill in the blank). For instance, you may have the perfect spot to grow anemone. I remember going to my friend Carmen’s house in the spring. I came around the corner and stopped in my tracks when I saw her happy anemones – so cheerful, so vibrant,……

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April 18, 2019 Plant Pet Names, Paul de Longpré, Elsa Beata Bunge, Maryland State Flower, Black-Eyed Susan, John Gay, Studio Oh, and Planning for Arbor Day

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Do you have pet names for your plants? Amy the Amaryllis. Jerry the geranium. Once I bought some dahlias at a private plant sale. Before I drove away, I rolled down the window to ask for the seller’s name; it was Doris. They’ve been my “Doris“ dahlias ever since. So whether they are called Howard or Bertie, Harry or Liz; if you’ve named your plants, you are not alone. The gesture of honoring a loved one, or the little laugh…

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April 17, 2019 William Cullen Bryant, Double Take Plants, John Tradescant the Elder, Graham Stuart Thomas, James McBride, Adolph Daniel Edward Elmer, Gilbert White, Mignonette, Sam Postlethwait, and the Celery Bog Nature Area

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

William Cullen Bryant wrote, “There is no glory in star or blossom till looked upon by a loving eye; There is no fragrance in April breezes till breathed with joy as they wander by.” That pretty much sums up what happens with the plants I’ve dubbed “double-takes”. A double-take plant is the one you first ignore or blow off – but them something about them causes you to take another look; to appreciate what you didn’t see the first time…

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Gardener Greetings

Send your garden pics, stories, birthday wishes, and so forth to Jennifer@theDailyGardener.org

Media & Book Publishers:

The Daily Gardener
PO Box 312
Wyoming, MN 55092

The Daily Gardener Smart Speaker

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"I just discovered you! I googled garden podcasts and I'm so glad I found the show. I start every day with The Daily Gardener!"

"I love garden history and garden stories. Thank you for helping me learn more about both!"

"I've been a Still Growing podcast listener for years. I'm so excited to hear your new one - The Daily Gardener! Thank you."

Audience Stats


consider themselves
curious + serious gardeners


interested in flower gardening, edibles, and nature in general


interested in their roots, nostalgic, history-lovers,
very family oriented


Savvy + Practical Readers
with an interesting take on the world


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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