Welcome Daily Gardeners

Every Friday, I send out a letter for gardeners with: 

Reminders for Your Calendar

Botanical History & Poetry

Favorites for the Garden

Garden Book Recommendations

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Plus, each week, one lucky subscriber wins a book from the Grow That Garden Library™ bookshelf.

The Daily Gardener Hello Album

The Daily Gardener Podcast

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April 11, 2019 Yearlong Care of the Garden, Luther Burbank , Yogi Yogananda, Elsie Elizabeth Esterhuysen, John Paulus Lotsy, Ogden Nash, Barbara Kingsolver, Mary Treat, A New Garden Tote, and the Clark Botanic Garden

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How much do you care for your garden? Do your time and attention stay pretty constant throughout the season? If not, why not? What would your garden look like in August if you loved it then as much as you do now? What must you do to sustain a high level of care for your garden all season long? Fewer tomato or pepper plants? More raised beds? Are you getting regular garden time committed on the calendar? Are you removing…

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April 10, 2018 Mary Hiester Reid, George Reid, Onteora, Duncan Sutherland Macorquodale, Mary Reynolds, Pruning Grapevines, and the First Arbor Day

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Just when you thought you had winter beat… You thought wrong. Surprise. Unpredictable weather. Dicey temperatures. Gardeners need resilience.   If Spring’s arrival is dashing your hope, start looking for the survivors in your garden, neighborhood, city, and social media feed.   Every Spring – no matter the conditions, there are successes. Hardy Daffodils. Forsythia. Lungwort. Snowdrops. Magnolias.   Look for the plants that survive and thrive despite the challenges of Spring. Plant more of those plants. Find joy in…

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April 9, 2019 Phebe Lankester, James Sowerby, Joseph Trimble Rothrock, Asa Gray, Louis Agassiz, Gardeners Question Time, Charles Baudelaire, Katie Daisy, the Toronto Archives, and Joseph Sauriol

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today’s thought is precisely that: How we think when we garden. Emerson wrote: Blame me not, laborious band, For the idle flowers I brought; Every aster in my hand Comes back laden with a thought. How wonderful our gardens are for thinking. Creatively. Therapeutically. Soulfully. Every bloom can be a vessel for an idea, a hurt, or a solution. I fought with my daughter the other day. We were getting nowhere. Exasperated, I had her help me with the houseplants.…

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Gardener Greetings

Send your garden pics, stories, birthday wishes, and so forth to Jennifer@theDailyGardener.org

Media & Book Publishers:

The Daily Gardener
PO Box 312
Wyoming, MN 55092

The Daily Gardener Smart Speaker

What Listeners Say


"I just discovered you! I googled garden podcasts and I'm so glad I found the show. I start every day with The Daily Gardener!"

"I love garden history and garden stories. Thank you for helping me learn more about both!"

"I've been a Still Growing podcast listener for years. I'm so excited to hear your new one - The Daily Gardener! Thank you."

Audience Stats


consider themselves
curious + serious gardeners


interested in flower gardening, edibles, and nature in general


interested in their roots, nostalgic, history-lovers,
very family oriented


Savvy + Practical Readers
with an interesting take on the world


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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