Posts Tagged ‘Agatha Christie’
Agatha Christie
Greenway Gardens On this day in 1959, The Illustrated London Newsshared a fantastic image of Agatha Christie and her gardener holding large trophies for their entries at the Brixham Horticultural Flower Show. In the photo, Christie’s gardener is grasping three trophies, and Agatha, wearing a bright floral dress, looks pleased as punch to be holding…
Read MoreSeptember 12, 2019 Charmed by Yellow Wax-Bells, Daniel Cady Eaton, Arthur Shurcliff, Chinese Wilson, Agatha Christie, Beverley Nichols, Lemon Herbs by Ellen Spector Platt, Hanging Basket Tidy Up , and a Record-Setting Apple from 1843
How’s your garden doing? Is there something blooming that is stealing your heart? In my garden, I’m especially enjoying the Yellow wax-bells or Kirengeshoma palmata (“kih-ren-gesh-OH-mah palm-AY-tah”). Heidi Heiland installed these for me last summer during my garden renovation. They are right up by my front door in a North-facing garden – and I see…
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