Albert Etter

Albert Etter

Ettersburg Ranch November 27, 1872   Today is the birthday of a lifelong American plantsman and master plant breeder Albert Etter. Albert was a born horticulturist. When most children are mastering the alphabet and learning to tie their shoes, Albert was learning to graft and hybridize plants. By the time Albert was 12, his plant…

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November 27, 2020 Plant Seed Spacing, Albert Etter, Karl Foerster, Phebe Ann Holder, The Vegetable Garden Cookbook by Tobias Rauschenberger and Oliver Brachat, and the Bicentenary at Kew

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we celebrate a one of a kind American plantsman and breeder who gave us the red-fleshed Pink Pearl apple. We’ll also learn about the German nurseryman and breeder who we know from a ubiquitous feather-reed grass. We’ll hear some lovely botanical poems from a New England poet. We Grow That Garden Libraryâ„¢ with a…

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