Carl Adolph Agardh

Carl Adolph Agardh

The Bishop of Karlstad Today is the anniversary of the death of a Swedish botanist who specialized in algae – Carl Adolph Agardh (“AW-guard”). In 1817, Carl published his masterpiece – a book on the algae of Scandinavia. Carl’s work studying algae was a major endeavor from the time he was a young man until…

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January 28, 2020 Maria Sibylla Merian, January King, Peter Collinson, Nathaniel Wallich, Carl Adolph Agardh, Walter Bartlett, Robin Macy, Weird Plants by Chris Thorogood, Heart Fly-Thru Birdfeeder, and Mr Poinsettia, Paul Ecke, Sr.

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today, we celebrate an eighteenth-century man who was a friend of many famous gardeners. And the Danish surgeon associated with many beautiful plants from the Himalayas. We’ll learn about the Swedish botanist who had a thing for algae and the man who started the only arboretum between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. Today’s…

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