Eva Reed

Eva Reed

Missouri Botanical Garden Botanist Today the world lost Eva Reed, a botanist, author, and librarian with the Missouri Botanical Gardens. In the years before she died, she had become almost entirely deaf as the result of a fever. In a tragic accident, Reed had been sketching on the tracks of the Burlington railway, near Louisiana,…

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July 8, 2020 American Garden Stamps, Herb Paris, Forrest Shreve, Eva Reed, Tom Thomson, Leonard Cockayne, Summer Poetry, Paradise Lot by Eric Toensmeier, and Milk Sickness

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we celebrate the preeminent botanist of North American deserts. We’ll also learn about a beloved botanist and librarian with the Missouri Botanical Gardens. We celebrate the Canadian Landscape artist, who was a member of Canada’s treasured Group of Seven. We also celebrate a genuinely great English-Kiwi botanist. We honor summer gardening and garden life…

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Eva Reed

Eva Reed

Railway Accident Today in 1901, the world lost Eva Reed, a botanist, author, and librarian with the Missouri Botanical Gardens. In a tragic accident, Reed had been sketching on the tracks of the Burlington railway, near Louisiana, Missouri, when she was run over and instantly killed by a passenger train.  Several years earlier, she had…

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July 8, 2019 Herb Societies, Forrest Shreve, Eva Reed, Leonard Cockayne, Monty Don, National Meadows Day, Charles MacKay, Janice Emily Bowers, Stop Fertilizing, and Milk Sickness

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Have you checked to see if there is an herb society near you? Herb societies offer gardeners what I call next-level understanding of plants. Aside from parsley, oregano, and thyme, you’ll probably be surprised by the sheer number of plants that fall into the herbal category; bronze fennel, red-veined sorrel, lovage, tansy, and sweet cicely.…

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