Posts Tagged ‘Francisco de Paula Marín’
Francisco de Paula Marín
Hawaii’s Original Farmer Today is the birthday of the Spanish adventurer and botanist known as Hawaii’s Original Farmer, Francisco de Paula Marín, who was born on this day in 1774. By the time Marin was in his early twenties, he had already made his way to Honolulu, Hawaii. It would be his home for the…
Read MoreNovember 25, 2019 Best Holiday Botanical Garden, Vancouver Seawall, Francisco de Paula Marín, Leonard Woolf, Hideo Sasaki, Rudolph Boysen, Orchid Modern by Marc Hachadourian, Holiday Microgreens, and Starting a Walking Club
Today we celebrate the Spaniard who brought the pineapple and coffee to Hawaii. We’ll learn about the man who gardened at Monks House so much it would cause fights with his wife. We’ll honor the Japanese American Landscape Architect, who designed many of our Modern Urban Public Spaces and the man who came up with…
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