Horace Hagedorn

Horace Hagedorn

Founder of Miracle-Gro Today is the anniversary of the death of the founder of Miracle-Gro plant food Horace Hagedorn. Every year on November 15th, the Horace Hagedorn outstanding philanthropy award is given out on philanthropy day. Horace was a marketing genius and a philanthropist. A resident of Port Washington, Long Island, Horace and his wife…

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January 31, 2020 Calendula Tincture, Growing Artichokes, Melvin Bergeson, the American Iris Society, Isabella Preston, Hazel Schmoll, Horace Hagedorn, Bernard Barton, Life List by Olivia Gentile, Wooden Letters, Prospect Cottage and Derek Jarman

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today, we celebrate the man who found a splendid crabapple growing in his nursery and the anniversary of a society that honors the flower of the rainbow. We’ll learn about the “Grand Lady of Canadian Horticulture” and a Colorado State botanist who fought to protect the Columbine. In today’s Unearthed Words, we hear simple poems…

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