Mark Twain’s Literary Garden: Where Wit Bloomed in an Octagonal Shed

Mark Twain portrait

This botanical history post was featured on The Daily Gardener podcast: Click here to see the complete show notes for this episode. November 30, 1835 On this day, dear readers and fellow gardeners, a most extraordinary seed was planted in the fertile soil of American literature. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, destined to bloom into the incomparable…

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The Absolutely Right Way to Start a Garden

The Absolutely Right Way to Start a Garden

by Cheryl Merser As with most occupations, there are different ways to approach the garden. The absolutely right way to start a garden, for instance, is to bulldoze your whole yard, then, according to a friend of mine, a brilliant (if obsessive gardener), spend some time in it naked in the middle of the night,…

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A Tale as Old as Time: Recycling Theater Bouquets in 1874

Bouquet of Flowers

“When the man told her the flowers would cost twenty dollars, the actress said the price was too much for one night. But then the gentleman had an idea. He said twenty dollars could be sufficient for two nights and explained how his plan would work.” July 25, 1874   On this day, the Opelousas Courier…

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