From Railroad to Orchard: The Remarkable Journey of Ivan Michurin

Michurin walking in the garden, 1934

This botanical history post was featured on The Daily Gardener podcast: Click here to see the complete show notes for this episode. June 7, 1935 On this day, dear cultivators of curiosity and admirers of horticultural ingenuity, we bid farewell to a true titan of the botanical world. Ivan Michurin, the Russian botanist and plant…

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March 4, 2021 Five Perennial Herbs You Should Grow, Henry Frederick Conrad Sander, Luther Burbank’s Arbor Day, the Final days of a Gardener, Flora Japonica by Masumi Yamanaka and Order Gladiolus and Dahlias Now

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we celebrate a man who wrote the book on growing and selling orchids. We’ll also learn about a very special Arbor Day to honor Luther Burbank. We hear a touching excerpt about the final days of an incredible gardener, teacher, and friend. We Grow That Garden Libraryâ„¢ with a book about the beautiful flowers…

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February 16, 2021 Plant Selfishness, Townshend Stithe Brandegee, the New Jersey State Flower, Duck Hill Journal by Page Dickey, and the Remarkable Josephine S. Margetts

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we celebrate a botanist of the American West and the husband of Kate Brandegee. We’ll also learn about the woman who created the legislation for the New Jersey State Flower, the Violet. We hear some words about the role of the botanist from one of our horticultural greats. We Grow That Garden Libraryâ„¢ with…

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Yogi Yogananda and Luther Burbank

Yogi Yogananda and Luther Burbank

An American Saint #OTD Luther Burbank died today in 1926 (Books By This Author). His friend, Yogi Yogananda, wrote Autobiography of a Yogi – a book many people find inspiring, including Andrew Weil, George Harrison, and Steve Jobs – who read it annually. Yogananda later dedicated the entire book to “Luther Burbank, an American Saint,”…

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April 11, 2019 Yearlong Care of the Garden, Luther Burbank , Yogi Yogananda, Elsie Elizabeth Esterhuysen, John Paulus Lotsy, Ogden Nash, Barbara Kingsolver, Mary Treat, A New Garden Tote, and the Clark Botanic Garden

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

How much do you care for your garden? Do your time and attention stay pretty constant throughout the season? If not, why not? What would your garden look like in August if you loved it then as much as you do now? What must you do to sustain a high level of care for your…

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