Marcus E. Jones

Marcus E. Jones

The Botanist Entrepreneur April 25, 1852 Today is the birthday of the botanist Marcus Jones. Marcus’s mom loved plants every day, and she sent little Marcus to gather fresh flowers to display on the family’s mantle. This daily chore was the beginning of Marcus’s passion for botany. Marcus won national recognition for his botanical work…

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April 25, 2019 A Botanist’s Hello, Zucchini Bread Day, President Truman, NPSOT, Gustavus Adolphus College, Marcus E. Jones, Julia Morton, Alice Tangerini, Windflowers, Agnes Falconer, Roger L. Williams, Garden Markers, and George H. Engleheart’s Daffodils

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today I learned how botanists used to say “hello” to each other. In the 1800s and 1900s, a common way for botanists to introduce themselves, often from the other side of the world, was to send each other plant specimens as the foundation for developing a relationship. When it comes to friendship, plants are icebreakers,…

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