Rustic Garden Projects by Marianne Svärd Häggvik

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast: Rustic Garden Projects by Marianne Svärd Häggvik This book came out in February of 2019, and the subtitle is Step-by-Step Backyard Décor from Trellises to Tree Swings, Stone Steps to Stained Glass. I tell you what: If you’re bored and looking for something to do in the garden,…

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July 27, 2020 Piet Oudolf Finds Solace in the Garden, Jeanne Baret, Horatio Hollis Hunnewell, Benjamin Lincoln Robinson, Hewett Cottrell Watson, William T. Hutchins, Silly Garden Poems, Rustic Garden Projects by Marianne Svärd Häggvik, and Bernadette Cozart.

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we remember the first woman to have circumnavigated the world. We’ll also learn about the wealthy horticulturist who built a magnificent estate on the shores of Lake Waban. We celebrate the botanist who was the first editor of Rhodora, the New England Botanical Club’s journal. We also salute the father of British plant geography.…

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