Posts Tagged ‘Mary Gilmore’
April 29, 2019 Perennial Defined, Agnes Chase, Cornelia Vanderbilt’s Wedding, Alfred Hitchcock, Ron McBain, #AmericanSpringLive, Botany Bay, Mary Gilmore, Garden-Pedia, Composting, and the Significance of Grass
Merriam-Webster gives the following synonyms for the word perennial: abiding, enduring, perpetual, undying Those terms can give gardeners unrealistic expectations for their perennials. They’re not eternal. They will eventually part ways with your garden. But, for as long as they can, your perennials will make a go of it. Returning to the garden after their…
Read MoreOld Botany Bay
by Mary Gilmore I’m old Botany Bay; stiff in the joints, little to say. I am he who paved the way, that you might walk at your ease to-day. I was the conscript sent to hell to make in the desert the living well. I bore the heat, I blazed the track- furrowed and bloody…
Read MoreAustralia’s Pioneers
by Mary Gilmore Even the old, long roads will remember and say, “Hither came they!” And the rain shall run in the ruts like tears; And the sun shine on them all the years, Saying, “These are the roads they trod” — They who are away with God. As featured onThe Daily Gardener podcast: Words…
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