Posts Tagged ‘Missouri’
George Yatskievych Finds Endangered Plant in His Own Backyard
“You spend all this time and effort looking for this in nature…. (The discovery) was so unexpected.” January 27, 1994 On this day, The South Bend Tribune, out of South Bend, Indiana, shared an article by Doug Glass called “Botanist Finds Endangered Plant in His Garden.” “For someone who makes his living studying plants, George Yatskievych…
Read MoreJanuary 27 2021 Predicting the New Year’s 2021 Garden Trends, Lewis Carroll, Terramycin, Skunk Cabbage, Botanical Baking by Juliet Sear, and the Surprise in a Botanist’s Garden: Running Buffalo Clover
Today we celebrate the writer inspired by the Oxford Botanic Garden – a place he saw every day. We’ll also learn about medicine with roots in the soil in Indiana. We’ll hear a lovely excerpt about a harbinger of spring: Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) We Grow That Garden Library™ with a fantastic book about botanical…
Read MoreHenry Shaw: Plants were his Children
“Madame, did you ever know a mother to forget the names of her children? These plants and flowers are my little ones.” May 3, 1819 On this day, botanist and philanthropist Henry Shaw arrived in St. Louis. St. Louis had been founded over fifty years before Shaw’s arrival, and the population by 1820 was just…
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