Geraniums and Gothic Tales: Hawthorne’s Horticultural Horror Story

Nathaniel Hawthorne

This botanical history post was featured on The Daily Gardener podcast: Click here to see the complete show notes for this episode. May 19, 1864 On this day, dear readers, we mark the passing of Nathaniel Hawthorne (books about this person), the American novelist and short-story writer whose pen brought us such classics as The…

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December 23, 2020 Six Great Perennials for Design, John Jay, Francis Masson, Ann Batten Cristall, The Grow Your Own Food Handbook by Monte Burch, and Mystical Mistletoe Is Historical Sprig

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we celebrate a gardener who was also a Founding Father and a Governor of New York. We’ll also learn about a botanist who brought back the Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae “REJ-in-ee”) as well as a plant that is now the oldest living potted plant at Kew. We hear a charming poem that takes…

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