Witch Doctor’s Apprentice by Nicole Maxwell

Witch Doctor's Apprentice by Nicole Maxwell

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast: Witch Doctor’s Apprentice by Nicole Maxwell The subtitle to this book is Hunting for Medicinal Plants in the Amazon. This memoir features Nicole Maxwell, who is hunting for medicinal plants in the rainforest. Despite setbacks and disillusionment, she never lost sight of her goals. Maxwell, a Fellow of…

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February 4, 2020 The American Museum & Gardens, Weeds to Love and Loathe, Augustin Pyramus de Candolle, Henri Dutrochet, John Heinz, Lanning Roper, Winter Words,Witch Doctor’s Apprentice by Nicole Maxwell, Grow Light, and the 1931 Early Spring in Brainerd Minnesota

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we celebrate the Swiss botanist who started a botanical Dynasty and the man who coined the term osmosis. We’ll learn about the American landscape architect who made England his home and cheered on so many gardeners with his book Successful Town Gardening. Today’s Unearthed Words feature words about winter. We Grow That Garden Libraryâ„¢…

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