Posts Tagged ‘Stuart Robertson’
Stuart Robertson
The Montreal Gardener Today is the anniversary of the death of Stuart Robertson, who died on this day in 2009. Robertson was a professional gardener in Montreal, although he was born in England. In 1981, Robertson began work as a gardening columnist for the Montreal Gazette. In 1982, Robertson added the title of a broadcaster…
Read MoreSeptember 23, 2019 The Autumn Equinox, Kubla Khan, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Plants by Lewis and Clark, Stuart Robertson, Ruth Patrick, Poems about September, Plant Parenting by Leslie Halleck, Moving Plants, and the 1937 Rose Garden in Hershey, Pennsylvania
Today is the first day of Autumn, also referred to as the Autumn Equinox. Equinox means ‘equal night.’ On this day, both day and night are nearly the same lengths. Thereafter, the dark part of the year begins. Brevities #OTD Today is the birthday of the grandson of Genghis Khan, Kubla Khan,…
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