The Winter Larder

by Georgeanne Brennan

Harvested fruits and vegetables can be stored over winter in a number of ways. Perishable summer stone fruits can be dried, packed into sweetened alcohol syrups, or cooked into preserves or jellies. The pom fruits —  apples, pears, and quinces —  from late summer and early fall harvest will keep for several months in a cool, dark, well-ventilated place, as will hard squashes and winter roots. Brine- or salt-cured olives and a variety of nuts and dried beans make up the remainder of a traditional winter larder.

Salty anchovies and olives from the larder go surprisingly well with winter's starchy potatoes and storage onions. All kinds of dried beans are good in slow-simmered dishes,  especially if the beans were harvested the preceding fall and still retain their fresh flavor.
— Georgeanne Brennan, author and co-founder Le Marche Seed Company, Potager, Winter

As featured on
The Daily Gardener podcast:

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The Winter Larder

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