Unearthed Words
This Month's
Unearthed Words
Unearthed Words
The Archives
All the words shared on The Daily Gardener podcast.
Summer’s Lease
by William Shakespeare Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.  As featured onThe Daily Gardener podcast: Words inspired by the garden are the sweetest, most beautiful words of all. William Shakespeare Related posts: O Sound to Rout the Brood of Cares August Ah! Sun-flower There’s Rosemary That’s for Remembrance Mosquito
by Maggie Grant For which there is no possible rhyme other than sawdust. Now, the task of justifying that word is going to be immense If I want to make sense, But anyway, here goes: I once had a doll called Rose Whose body was encased in a species of strong white cotton. Well, I…
It Is Pure Water
by The Citizen-Republic It is pure water, distilled, and put up by nature herself, who needs no government label to certify to the cleanliness of her methods and the innocence of her sun-kissed chemistry. It is the tiniest trace of earth salts. It has a delicate aroma. It is slightly a food, generously a drink,…
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle On Saturday, he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of Watermelon. That night he had a stomach ache. — Eric Carle, American designer,…
Go Along Mister Winter
by Frank Lebby Stanton Go along, Mister Winter- Crawl into your frosty bed. I’m longing like a lover For the watermelon red. — Frank Lebby Stanton, American lyricist  As featured onThe Daily Gardener podcast: Words inspired by the garden are the sweetest, most beautiful words of all. Frank Lebby Stanton Related posts: Summer is…
by Charles Simic  Green Buddhas On the fruit stand We eat the smile And spit out the teeth. — Charles Simic, American-Serbian Poet, Watermelons  As featured onThe Daily Gardener podcast: Words inspired by the garden are the sweetest, most beautiful words of all. Related posts: Three Flowers Eating The Summer is No Longer Alive…
Ode to Watermelon
by Anonymous Up from the South, by boat and train. Now comes the King of Fruits again; Lucious feast for judge or felon, Glorious, sun-kissed Watermelon; Green as emerald in its rind, But cutting through it thou shalt find Sweetest mass of crimson beauty Tempting angels from their duty. — Ode to Watermelon, anonymous  …
by Charles Bukowski And the windows opened that night, A ceiling dripped the sweat Of a tin god, And I sat eating a watermelon All false red, Water like slow-running Tears, And I spit out seeds And swallowed seeds, And I kept thinking I’m a fool I’m a fool To eat this Watermelon, But I…
August Weather
by Rasmenia Massoud August is that last flicker of fun and heat before everything fades and dies. The final moments of fun before the freeze. In the winter, everything changes. — Rasmenia Massoud, author and short story writer, August Weather  As featured onThe Daily Gardener podcast: Words inspired by the garden are the sweetest,…
As August, So February
by Anonymous As August, so February. If the first week in August is unusually warm, The winter will be white and long. So many August fogs, so many winter mists For every fog in August, There will be a snowfall in winter. Observe on what day in August the first heavy fog occurs, and expect…
Fairest of the Months
by R. Combe Miller Fairest of the months! Ripe summer’s Queen The hey-day of the year With robes that gleam with sunny sheen Sweet August doth appear. — R. Combe Miller, English poet and clergyman, Fairest of the Months  Note: August 1st is Lammas Day (“La-MA-ss”). Lammas was a festival that celebrated the…
by Celia Laighton Thaxter Buttercup nodded and said good-bye, Clover and Daisy went off together, But the fragrant Waterlilies lie Yet moored in the golden August weather. The swallows chatter about their flight, The cricket chirps like a rare good fellow, The asters twinkle in clusters bright, While the corn grows ripe and the apples…
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for The Daily Gardener?
email jennifer@thedailygardener.org