The Garden in Every Sense and Season by Tovah Martin
As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:
The Garden in Every Sense and Season by Tovah Martin
This book came out in 2021, and the subtitle is A Year of Insights and Inspiration from My Garden.
I am a huge Tovah Martin fan, and this book does not disappoint.
First, I have to share what Michelle Slatalla of Gardenista wrote about this book (it's so good - it's printed right on the cover!)
"Reminds us that the best way to get to know a garden is through our senses. Don't expect to make it through many pages before you feel an urge to run outdoors to reintroduce yourself to your own landscape."
This book is one of my favorites, and I'm thrilled to share it with you today—at the start of November, a month when we count our blessings and are thankful. Martin's book is about being present and aware and genuinely grateful for our gardens.
Gardens are so much work. But don't forget they are the muse to so many of our dreams. We get so much joy from them; if you're a Northern Gardener like I am, the time we spend in them is minimal.
In Tovah's book, she shares 100 essays divided into the four seasons; each season is divided into the five senses - sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste.
Let me share a few excerpts from her section on autumn:
Sight "Gone to Seed"
"Look closely, and you'll realize that seed heads are fascinating.
Also, they aren't usually as glam as flowers. They're intricate little packets carefully designed to ensure tomorrow for whatever sedum, mountain mint, a ster marigold or echinacea they plan to disperse."
Sound "Crunch Time"
"You might say my affinity for rakes is just the sour grapes of a 90-pound weakling unable to pull a ripcord effectively.
And you might be right.
But there is something infinitely fulfilling about unearthing the herbaceous peony with its tawny blush leaves still intact and rejoicing because I will be enjoying its color for another few weeks."
Touch "Get a Grip"
"Some women have an arsenal of shoes at their beck and call. A stack of gloves placed by the door is more my speed. The collection includes mud gloves, leather gloves, lined gloves, driving gloves, gauntlets, and wool gloves... Wear the wrong gloves in autumn, and your hands are going to suffer. "
Touch "Underground Assets"
"I have a conspiracy theory linking chiropractors to the autumn planting bulbs trend."
Tovah Martin is such an excellent writer - conversational and witty - and the photography in this book is beautiful.