November 16, 2021 Virtual Herbariums, Laurel Hill, Root Crop Preservation in 1835, Odoardo Beccari, Louise Driscoll, Marsha Mehran, Plant by Phaidon Editors, and Elizabeth Coblentz

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Today in botanical history, we celebrate Laurel Hill and Root Crop Preservation in 1835. We’ll also remember the botanist who discovered the Titan arum and a little poem about the November garden by Louise Driscoll. We’ll hear an excerpt from Pomegranate Soup. We Grow That Garden Libraryâ„¢ with a beautiful garden book from 2016. And…

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Plant by Phaidon Editors

Plant Exploring the Botanical World by Phaidon Editors

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast: Plant by Phaidon Editors This book came out in 2016, and the subtitle is Exploring the Botanical World. This book is gorgeous. You might remember it – it’s got a black background and then a simple blossom design where each of the leaves is made with a different fabric…

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