The Sleeping Children

The Sleeping Children

by William Lisle Bowles So breathing and so beautiful, they seem,    As if to die in youth were but to dream Of spring and flowers! Of flowers? Yet nearer stand    There is a lily in one little hand, So sleeps that child, not faded, though in death,   And seeming still to hear…

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November 25, 2020 Succulent Christmas Trees, Isaac Watts, Leonard Woolf, Francis Chantrey, William Lisle Bowles, Do-It-Yourself Garden Projects and Crafts by Debbie Wolfe, and Alma Gluck

20200101 The Daily Gardener Album Cover

Today we celebrate the clergyman who wrote hymns and poems that use garden imagery. We’ll also learn about the man who loved gardens and garden design – and he wasn’t afraid of Virginia Woolf… he was married to her. We’ll recognize a sculptor whose final work was a touching monument to children incorporating a bouquet…

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