A House by the Sea by Bunny Williams

As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:

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A House by the Sea by Bunny Williams

This fantastic book came out in 2016, and it is all about Bunny's marvelous Caribbean home, La Colina.

This book is a beautiful coffee table book, and what's neat about this book is that her friends write each chapter. Bunny has one friend write about the architecture, another friend discusses the collections and other talks about cooking and food. Then Paige Dickey, the garden writer, toured the gardens and wrote this beautiful essay about Bunny's stunning gardens at La Colina.

Of course,  if I weren't a huge Bunny Williams fan, if I didn't have her book called An Affair With A House or On Garden Style,  I might be tempted not to get this book. But I am a huge Bunny Williams fan, and I know that everything she does is done with so much beauty, grace, and style that I could not resist getting a copy of this book.

Then, once I learned that Paige Dickey was the person who got to review the gardens? Well, then, I had to get my copy of this book.

This beautiful book would make a great Christmas present. The photographs are incredible.

I'll tell you a few of my favorite things from the garden section in this book. There is an entrance to the cactus garden that features all of this blue pottery, and in each of these blue pots is a cactus that makes for a stunning entrance to her cactus garden.

There's also a gorgeous stone shell fountain at the swimming pool's end, covered in vine. Bunny is known for using vines in the garden - something to keep your eyes peeled for if you get this book because you'll see her use of vines throughout the garden. Bunny has vines climbing up structures and rambling around and making their way - softening many of the garden's hard edges.

The hardscapes are absolutely to die for, and there's an avenue of Palm trees in this incredible garden. The entire property is truly breathtaking.

This book is 256 pages of Bunny Williams in the Caribbean, and it's a must-have if you enjoy Bunny Williams and her work.

You can get a copy of A House by the Sea by Bunny Williams and support the show using the Amazon Link in today's Show Notes for around $20.


"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."

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