Thomas Harbison: Biltmore Botanist and Sprinter
"The athletic sports for the employees of the Biltmore estate yesterday afternoon were greatly enjoyed, though the contestants were under a disadvantage owing to the hot weather."
July 4, 1900
On this day, a staff party was held at the Biltmore Estate.
The summer staff parties at Biltmore often included the horticulturists and landscape department, and the celebration on this day was no exception.
The athletic sports for the employees of the Biltmore estate yesterday afternoon were greatly enjoyed, though the contestants were under a disadvantage owing to the hot weather.
The result of the events and the prizes were as follows:
100 Yards Dash: won by T. G. Harbison, $2; 2d, Hal. Lipe, $1.
Tug of War: won by landscape department team, trophy and $1 each man
Broad Jump: won by A. T. Davidson, $3, 2d, T. G. Harbison, $1
Running High Jump: won by J. W. Young, $2; 2d, T. G. Harbison, $1.
It appears that the botanist Thomas Harbison was pretty fit. He earned $5 in winnings.