The Father of the Sugar Snap Pea: Calvin Lamborn
"I miss my father.
I remember the night he died.
I came in from the field and I was talking about the peas, and for the first time, he wasn't interested."
In May 1979, Dr. Calvin Lamborn bred snow peas and English shelling peas together to create the Sugar Snap Pea at his Magic Seed Farm in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Today, Rod Lamborn, Dr. Lamborn's son, owns the farm.
When Dr. Lamborn passed away in 2017, Rod took over the farm.
Rod said,
I miss my father.
I remember the night he died, I came in from the field and I was talking about the peas, and for the first time, he wasn’t interested. It was a peaceful moment because he knew it was all right.
He was like, ‘You got this.’