Four Favorite Garden-Inspired Verses About Love for Valentine’s Month

"You came when most needed, my winter rose."

I thought I’d close the show today by getting you ready for Valentine’s Day with a few of my favorite garden-inspired verses about love.


Violet has the shortest wavelength of the spectrum. 
Behind it, the invisible ultraviolet. 
Roses are Red, 
Violets are Blue. 
Poor Violet, violated for a rhyme.

— Derek Jarman, gardener and poet


If apples were pears
And peaches were plums
And the rose had a different name.
If tigers were bears
And fingers were thumbs
I'd love you just the same.

— Anonymous


So, timely you came, and well you chose,
You came when most needed, my winter rose.
From the snow, I pluck you, and fondly press
Your leaves 'twixt the leaves of my leaflessness.

— Alfred Austin, English poet Poet Laureate


Green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart.

— Russell Page, British gardener, garden designer, and architect

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Rose Arbor
Rose Arbor
Derek Jarman
Derek Jarman
Alfred Austin
Alfred Austin
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