Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker

The World Famous Botanist

The Allentown (Pennsylvania) Democrat paper reported that Joseph Hooker was 93 years old. Here’s what it said:

"Sir Joseph Hooker, the world-famous botanist, received a personal note of congratulations from King George today on the occasion of his ninety-third birthday. Sir Joseph, who is still remarkably active for a man of his great age, has had a long and brilliant career in his chosen field of science. As early as 1839, he accompanied the expedition of Sir James Ross to the Antarctic region. Later he conducted scientific expeditions to many parts of the world… In the course of his active career, he rendered invaluable services to the British arts, manufacturers and commerce by promoting an accurate knowledge of the floras and economic vegetable products of the various colonies and dependencies of the empire."

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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker

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