
by Celia Laighton Thaxter

Buttercup nodded and said good-bye,
Clover and Daisy went off together,
But the fragrant Waterlilies lie
Yet moored in the golden August weather.
The swallows chatter about their flight,
The cricket chirps like a rare good fellow,
The asters twinkle in clusters bright,
While the corn grows ripe and the apples mellow.
— Celia Laighton Thaxter, American writer and poet, August


Note: The poet Celia Laighton Thaxter grew up on Appledore Island. Celia's dad built a hotel on the island, and it became a hub for creatives and a muse for many. Along with creating a lovely cut flower garden, Celia wrote a book called  An Island Garden.


As featured on
The Daily Gardener podcast:

Words inspired by the garden are the sweetest, most beautiful words of all.
Celia Laighton Thaxter
Celia Laighton Thaxter

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