George Washington Carver by Christina Vella
As Heard on The Daily Gardener Podcast:
George Washington Carver by Christina Vella
This book came out in 2015, and the subtitle is A Life.
Well, as you probably already know. George Washington Carver is one of the most accomplished botanists in history, and his story is so compelling.
Somehow, after being born into slavery, George earned a master's degree at Iowa State Agricultural College, and then he went on to become that university's first black professor.
I thought you would enjoy hearing a little excerpt from this book because I think Georgia's origin story is so incredible.
Here's how Christina tells it:
Though it was the most shattering event of his life. George Carver had no memory of the kidnapping. It happened when he was only a few weeks old during the Civil War. He and his mother were kidnapped by raiders who snatched them from their cabin in Southwest, Missouri, and took them to Arkansas - 70 miles South.
He was somehow separated from his mother who mysteriously disappeared.
Their master, Moses Carver sent a neighbor after them - a man named John Bentley who belonged to the local militia of the union army.
Bentley found George. He wrapped his coat around the infant, tied him to a saddle, and brought him back - traveling at night and hiding during the day from both the Confederate and the Union forces that were prowling in the vicinity.
Mary, George's mother, was never seen again.
And that is the beginning of George Washington Carver's incredible life story.
This book is 456 pages of the life story of the great botanist George Washington Carver.