Remembering the Commemoration for Richard Wettstein: Attempted Murder in Vienna
"The excitement at the Wettstein commemoration couldn't have been more different than Richard's disposition.
Richard was considered and courteous.
He was responsible for the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna."
July 2, 1932
On this day, the Sydney Morning Herald shared a story of attempted murder in Vienna at the unveiling of a statue for a beloved botanist.
The new head of Vienna University, Dr. Able, had just finished giving a speech in honor of the botanist Richard Wettstein who had died the previous year.
Suddenly, an old professor named Karl Schneider pushed through the crowd and shouted,
"At last we settle an old score."
Luckily, he was a terrible shot and didn't shoot anyone.
The Mayor of Vienna seized the old man before he could shoot again.
The excitement at the Wettstein commemoration couldn't have been more different than Richard's disposition. Richard was considered and courteous.
He was responsible for the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna.
Richard was also an excellent speaker and on more than one occasion, he was considered a potential contender for the president of Austria.