Poinsettia Tips from Jay Harper
Tips and Tricks for Poinsettias
November 23, 2005
On this day, the Arizona Republic newspaper shared tips on Poinsettia care from Jay Harper of Harper’s Nurseries & Flower Shop.
Jay grows Poinsettias from cuttings in his nursery in Mesa. He advised:
- Important factors in selecting a Poinsettia are where it was grown and how long it had to travel…
- Your plant should be sturdy, not wilted-looking.
- Make sure it has not dropped any leaves, which can occur while kept in boxes for shipment.
- Once you get your Poinsettia home, keep it away from drafts. They don't like the heater draft or the cold air from the door being opened or closed. \
- Don't put your Poinsettia right inside the doorway either. They are breakable in any high-traffic area if you walk by and brush against them.
- Place your Poinsettia on a table or in a corner of the room with good bright light and away from the fireplace or other heat sources.
- Poinsettias are members of the Euphorbiaceae family and produce a milky sap that can be an irritant.
- For years Poinsettias were considered extremely poisonous, but research has shown that is not the case. While eating the plant may not be lethal, it can make someone sick.
- If your Poinsettia comes wrapped, either remove the plant from the wrapping and water or poke a hole through the bottom of the wrapping to allow water to escape.
- They don't like to dry out too much. Poinsettias do better kept a little bit on the moist side.
This post was featured onThe Daily Gardener podcast:
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Jay Harper