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Botanical History & Poetry
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Garden Book Recommendations
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The Daily Gardener Podcast
William Kent wrote: “A garden is to be a world unto itself, it had better make room for the darker shades of feeling as well as the sunny ones.” I’ve usually thought about my garden as my happy place. It’s a natural mood changer for me. But I remember one time when I was out in the garden with feelings of a definite darker shade. I was very pregnant with John, and I was wearing a hideous, striped, maternity tank…
Read MoreI was looking at the cute brass plant labels on the Target website the other day – I was trying to find the link to that adorable garden tote I was telling you about, and I thought about the evolution of a gardener when it comes to using plant tags. First, you start out needing the labels – is that dill? What does basil look like again? Then you label only the newcomers or the look-alike parsley or cilantro –…
Read MoreGardener Greetings
Send your garden pics, stories, birthday wishes, and so forth to Jennifer@theDailyGardener.org
Media & Book Publishers:
The Daily Gardener
PO Box 312
Wyoming, MN 55092
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"I just discovered you! I googled garden podcasts and I'm so glad I found the show. I start every day with The Daily Gardener!"
"I love garden history and garden stories. Thank you for helping me learn more about both!"
"I've been a Still Growing podcast listener for years. I'm so excited to hear your new one - The Daily Gardener! Thank you."
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curious + serious gardeners
interested in flower gardening, edibles, and nature in general
interested in their roots, nostalgic, history-lovers,
very family oriented
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with an interesting take on the world
"If you have a garden, a garden podcast, and a library,
you have everything you need."
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